Archived - for new sequences, use the Approvalstep. This step displays a box at which an operator or supervisor must log in again to confirm......
Pass/Fail Test enables you to prompt an operator to perform a test and say if it’s Passed or Failed. Test Instructions – This is the......
Read Digital Inputs allows you to configure the Inputs to the Station. Configure different Digital Input Names in the Settings before creating a sequence step....
This step lets you record a date (day month year), and optionally check if that date is later than the current date. This is useful......
Record Text enables you to present a text entry box to an operator where you can type in free text, or select from a drop-down......
Scan Part enables you to record component part numbers using a barcode or keyboard input. There are multiple data entry options to consider within the......
This Step is useful when trying to make your production sequences more modular. This also affects how the production sequence is displayed on the Process......
You can send a notification email message automatically from a Tascus sequence using the Send Message step. Either select a user to send a message......
You can configure multiple different Digital Outputs and use them within a sequence to turn them On and Off on a Work Station during Production.......
Set PSU (Power Supply Unit) allows you to set the voltage and current and whether a power supply is on or off on a particular......
Add a Tighten step to the list, selecting the image to be used for the work instruction, and selecting the Torque Cycle (Pset on the......
The supported Camera for Vision System in from SensoPart: Set up the Vision System step within the Sequence Editor. Ensure you the Vision System......