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Tascus uses several terms to define the manufacturing process, these are outlined below.

Part Number

This is used to define a product type or model. Each Part Number will then be linked to production operations and steps that will guide operators to build that particular product. You need to define what part numbers will be used in Tascus, and also which operations and production sequences should run for that product.

Serial Number

This is the unique identifier used for each product when it is used in production. You are not required to pre-define what serial numbers will be used in production.


These define the high-level production operations that occur at one or several production stations. Operations can have conditions applied so that an operation can only run if previous operations have been successfully completed. Operations are not unique to part numbers and can be applied to every part number created in Tascus. You can also define which operators are trained and allowed to run production operations.


These are groups of production steps that are run when an operator selects a production operation to run. You will need to define for each part number which production sequence runs for each operation. This gives the flexibility for different products to use the same operations but with different production steps. You can also call a sequence from within a sequence. This allows you to create more manageable sequences and also enables you to reuse sequences across different part numbers.


These are the lowest level of granulation within Tascus and these define the individual production steps or tasks that an operator performs. Examples of production steps in Tascus:

  • Display a Work Instruction

  • Scan a Barcode

  • Take a Measurement

  • Perform a Quality Check

  • Capture a Product Image

When creating production reports, the result of each production step is recorded.

Example: A production task requires an operator to tighten 10 bolts on a housing.

Solution 1: Create a single step with a work instruction to tell the operator to tighten 10 bolts. When he has completed his task, he completes the step.

Result: There is 1 line in the report saying that 10 bolts have been assembled

Solution 2: Create 10 steps (one for each bolt). The operator has to confirm that each bolt has been assembled correctly.

Note: This type of solution is often used in conjunction with a smart tool so that the actual tighten result of each bolt can be recorded.

Result: There will be 10 lines in the production report, each saying that one bolt has been correctly assembled.

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