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Use the Tascus LabVIEW API to query data from the Tascus server, and to add / update records in the server.



There are example VI's for getting results, and for adding results, these use the packed library functions to perform common tasks, you can use these as a starting point for use within your application.


Within each example, you are shown how each function is used for opening connections, getting and setting results.


Connection to a Server

To open a connection, load in a database connection string, you will need:

Server - the SQL server name

Database Name - SQL Server database name

Use Windows Login - ticked if the server is setup to allow logins using Windows authentication

Username (SQL Server Username, blank if Windows login is used)

Password (SQL Server password, blank if Windows login is used)

Use the functions under Utilities to create a database connection string, and save it to an encrypted file, which can be loaded in using the Api.



Use this function to create the LabVIEW Class within your project, you can use the Sim Mode boolean input when testing the API without connection to a Tascus server.



This will read the contents of an encrypted database connection string built using the functions within the API project.


ReadDbConnectionString will decrypt the string, so it will be ready to pass into the Api class.


This will store the database connection string within the class for use by subsequent functions.



Get the overall Pass / Fail result for a manufacturing process.



Part Number - alphanumeric part number

Serial Number - alphanumeric serial / batch number

Operation ID - numeric ID of a manufacturing process defined within Tascus


OK to Run: Boolean result of the process

Message: String will be populated if the process result is NOK


This function gives detailed results for a product, by looking up all results for it's Part and Serial number.



Part Number - alphanumeric part number

Serial Number - alphanumeric serial / batch number

Operation ID - numeric ID of a manufacturing process defined within Tascus - or you can use -1 to get results for all manufacturing operations


Results Found: Boolean response of if any results where found

ProductResults: Array of clusters of step results, containing descriptions, types and Pass / Fail results

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