The article offers an overview of sequence export options, including PDF, CSV, HTML, and Tascus XML. These formats cater to diverse needs, from professional documents (PDF) to data analysis (CSV), web sharing (HTML), and seamless system integration (Tascus XML).
Exporting Sequences Overview
Export sequences in the form of PDF, CSV, HTML or Tascus XML.
PDF (Provides a full overview of the sequence in picture format)
CSV (Provides steps and parameters in a document format)
HTML (Selection of images of the work instructions)
Tascus XML (Stored as back up repository)
PDF Sequence Export
PDF (Provides a full overview of the sequence in picture format)
To export to a PDF, choose a sequence to export, then select File > Export to PDF. The select a location to export the pdf to.
A window opens that will perform the pdf export, you can adjust some export settings, or just press Start to begin the export.
PDF Export Settings
You can adjust the time each work instruction is displayed before the pdf is exported. Do this, if you are finding some images don't appear in the pdf export.
This defaults to 2 seconds, but you can make this longer if you're working on a slow network and it's taking longer to load images for the work instructions.
The Show Steps checkbox can either show the work instructions or hide them when the pdf is exported, if having problems, try toggling this to see if it helps.
View the exported files within your saved folder to view and share Sequence steps.
Easily view step changes within the PDF File.
CSV Sequence Export
CSV (Provides steps and parameters in a document format)
HTML Sequence Export
HTML (Selection of images of the work instructions)
Tascus XML Sequence Export
Tascus XML (Stored as back up repository)
This type of export will enable you to export a sequence of steps that can be imported into another Tascus database, or into another sequence.
Once this is saved into a folder, your XML export is complete.