Media files (images and videos) for work instructions can be configured in two locations within Tascus:
Global Media Directory
If a sequence is not organised within a project, this is the default location where media files are located.
Settings > System Setup > Customisation > Directories
This is a Global setting, so you will have to check 'Edit Globals' to edit this.
Project Media Directory
If using a sequence within a Tascus project, the media directory is specified within the project.
Sequence Editor > Edit Projects > Media Directory
Media Relative Paths
With either of these media directories, you are setting the parent folder, within which all media is organised.
When you select media for a work instruction, Tascus is saving the relative path to the media within the media folder.
This means if you need to move media to a new location or server, you only need to update the Media Folder, all work instructions should be unaffected.
Media folder is
Z:\Tascus Media
Work Instruction is
Assembly \ Stage 1 \ Demo Image.jpg
When the sequence runs, Tascus builds the full path by merging these two parts together into:
Z:\Tascus Media \ Assembly \ Stage 1 \ Demo Image.jpg