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Report Types

Tascus boasts a comprehensive MES system featuring a diverse range of reports meticulously covering various facets of production, team performance, and beyond.

Tascus Reports include:


Production Output & Operator Activity:

Production Field Management:


Quality & Traceability:

Report Overviews:

Site Dashboard

This report give you the total production output for an entire production site, broken down into each of the areas.

Production Area Dashboard

This gives you more of a breakdown of what’s happening in a production area, allowing you to add up to 5 KPI’s including output, downtime and efficiency.

Production Area Overview

This report shows all items that are Planned, Work in Progress and Complete for a time period.

Production Output

This report shows the quantity produced by product type by day / week / month.

Production Booked Time

This report allows you to view grouped Part Numbers to see exactly how much time was spent on each area overall. It provides you with a date format of year-week, grouped Part Numbers, quantity and the overall time spent on each category. This can be configured to view by day, week, month and more.

Production Order Variance

This shows you actual time assigned to each item / work order, versus the standard time. It also sums up all the actual and target times, to give you a total by day / week / month

Operator Activity

This shows who is currently logged into Tascus, and if they are working on production now and in which area

Production WIP Editor

The Production WIP Editor allows you to Complete Work Orders, removing them from the list when selecting an Order from the drop down list. You can view every order from today, weekly, monthly, all time and more. Viewing each Work Order's status, due date, target time, user and more can be found in the Editor.

Cycle Times

This report will show you the actual build times vs standard times by product. The report allows you to see the overall time across all users, or to view individual technician build times on specific Operations.

Production Efficiency

This report shows the Production Efficiency calculated as (Actual time/ Standard Time) by product type, project and operator.

Value Added Time

Use this report to view daily Value Added Time vs Non Value Added time by operator.​ Choose a timeframe, an operator, and optionally a manufacturing operation


This shows the amount of downtime reported, as categorized when an operator selects Pause, then a reason.​ It tracks the time from Pause to resuming the next item.​

Suspend Reasons

This report shows the quantity of pause button presses and the reason​.

Custom Report

The Custom Report allows us to configure a completely custom report for each client, we will send you a custom report configuration, which you can import to your Tascus server.

Product Report

This report is generated for each product built using Tascus, it contains the results of all build steps.

Where Used

This Report will allow you to search Serial Numbers and batch numbers to identify where they have been from Part Numbers to Operations.

First Time Yield

Show the percentage of items that have Passed all Tascus steps on 1st try.

Step Failures

Show the step names with the highest quantity of failures in production across a time frame, you can also filter this report by manufacturing operation​


This let’s you create a Run Chart / SPC chart of a measured result in a Tascus sequence.​

Scheduled Reports

This Report Generator is an application which stays on the server and creates End Of Shift reports to sends emails which can easily be configured by users within the Tascus Settings.

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